Feature Author | Reena Korde Pagnoni
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Rambee Boo gets a Picture Book Review!

“This is the Tale of Rambee Boo, a kind sweet dog who’s silly too!”

Thus begins the first book in Reena Korde Pagnoni’s “Rambee Boo” children’s picture book series, published by Pagnoni’s personal independent publishing company, Waman Books. 

The first book in this children’s picture book series, “Meet Rambee Boo!”, acts as an introduction to the fun furry character of Rambee Boo and his human companion, Rock.

Children's Book review | Rambee Boo
Review and Author Q &A |Meet Rambee Boo! by Reena Korde
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Young readers will love Rambee Boo, and his buddy Rock too!

The story in “Meet Rambee Boo!” follows Rambee Boo and Rock (and Rambee Boos favorite sock) through the week as they anticipate a weekend at the beach. The story is rich with rhyme and repetition, making it a great pick for an early reader. Throughout the week, the dog and his boy explore the world, learn, and get into mischief. The illustrations by Stephen Lomazzo bring the sweet puppy and his human companion to life, creating a relatable relationship between child and pet. Other children with a pet will relate to the companionship and love shared between the two characters.

“Meet Rambee Boo!” Is a book about patience for kids.

Each day has it’s own story, emphasizing the point that there is much to enjoy while waiting for something you are looking forward to. The book acts as a subtle reminder to children that the best way to pass time is by having fun.

Teach kids the days of the week with Rambee Boo and Rock

The thing I found most valuable about this book for preschool and kindergarten age children was the focus on the days of the week. Each day is given a memorable event in the story, with the day of the week written clearly on the page. This makes “Meet Rambee Boo!” a perfect book for introducing the days of the week to your child. (I’m sure there is an activity in here somewhere, but I have not quite pieced it out yet.)

Rambee Boo Book Series
Rambee Boo Book Series | Meet Rambee Boo by Reena Korde Pagnoni

Rhyme and repetition add to the joy of the story, rather than grate and detract.  

Often children’s authors result to rhyme as a gimmick when writing books for young children, and sometimes that rhyme falls short, distracting from the story, rather than adding to it. I’m happy to say that the rhyming scheme and repetition of this book help to add to the overall charm of the world Pagnoni and Lomazzo have created and aid in the enjoyment of the story. The story flows nicely and the use of receptions aids young children who are learning to read.

Rambee Boo has a familiar feeling about it.

The pacing, simplicity of story, and friendliness of this sweet book remind me of some classic characters I remember from my own childhood. Rambee Boo has the endearing mischief of Curious George, the likability of Paddington, and  the innocence of Spot. There is a lot of potential in this series and I look forward to reading and featuring more of this lovable little dog’s adventures. 

The Book Badger Review Quote
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But wait, there is more to come!

This lovable pup is not simply a one hit wonder. He’s set to feature in 5 more books, each one with its own unique story. The themes of the upcoming books cover a variety of holidays and occasions, adding to the collectability of the series as a whole and making Rambee Boo a year round delight worth adding to your young reader’s collection. 

Rambe Boo Children's Book Series
The Rambee Boo Book Series has 5 more books set to debut in the next year.

The next book in this series, “Rambee Boo’s Snowed In Too” , will be released on November 24th and is currently available for pre-order on Amazon.

I had a chance to ask Reena Korde Pagnoni a few questions about her books.

Here is what she had to say. 

Author Q&A | Reena Korde Pagnoni

Picture Book Review | Reena Korde Pagnoni
Pin This| Author Q&A Reena Korde Pagnoni

Can you tell us a little bit about what inspired Rambee Boo and how you come up with your stories?

Last year we lost our beloved dog Jack. This Spring, while everyone was home during the quarantine, we decided it was time to add another fur baby to our family, and that’s when we got Rambo. I was inspired to write the series, while watching the sweet interaction between my youngest son Rocky and Rambo, and watching them both experience things for the first time together. 

Do you have a favorite book or author that you look up to?

I love children’s books, always have. My favorite children’s books growing up were (and still are) Little Critter and The Berenstain Bears. Mercer Mayer, the author of Little Critter is one of my favorite authors. I love the simplicity of his stories, Yet his ability to engage the reader with his lovable characters. As a child I would read any little critter book. 

What is the one thing you want people to take away from Rambee Boo?

I want children to get lost in the story and connect with the characters. The reason I have incorporated repetition and rhyming in this series is because I want children to be able to read along, and get excited about knowing what’s going to happen on the next page. I truly want children to enjoy the book. I hope this series will help grow their love for reading. I always tell my kids, read something you love everyday…not just what’s assigned but something you really enjoy. I can only hope The Rambee Boo Series and it’s characters are engaging for children and they want to read more Rambee Boo adventures. 

What has been the most challenging part of the indie author experience  for you so far?

Doing it all yourself! Learning every aspect of the publishing process and then executing it can be challenging. From the most fundamental tools like finding the right people for your team, to using  media mail, to learning a variety of platforms and social media outlets. It’s all a learning process. Mistakes will be made but it’s all part of the learning process. 

Where can people follow you to find out more about your books?

You can find out more about The Rambee Boo Series at www.wamanbooks.com

Follow us on Instagram/Facebook @therambeebooseries

A Huge Thank You to Reena Korde Pagnoni for answering my questions and sharing the joy of Rambee Boo with us. Don’t forget to check out other Author Features if you enjoyed this one and please follow or like The Book Badger Blog  on Instagram and Facebook for blog updates, activities, and more!

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