Featured Author | JK Nielson
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Review and Author Interview | Never Grow Up

There are days we do not want our little one to grow up at all. We want the days of cuddling them and teaching them to last forever, and some days it is all too tempting to ask them to “Never Grow Up”. But we also want them to grow into strong adults someday. We want them to dream, to make plans, and to see those plans take flight. 

“Never Grow up” by JK Nielson is a sweet ode to those dreams. 

In Nielson’s colorfully illustrated picture book, brother and sister promise they will “Never Grow Up”. But if they do, they have some pretty wonderful plans. 

The lively illustrations by Svitlana Liuta create an imaginative landscape where the children imagine growing up, from the simplest of wishes (to be tall) to the biggest of dreams (flying an airplane or becoming the president). 

Never Grow Up By Jk Nielson
Children’s Book Review | Never Grow Up By JK Nielson

“Never Grow Up” is a love letter to children from their parents.

This wonderful rhyme also has some heart to it, reminding children that growing up is never all it is cracked up to be. The mother in this story is loving and encouraging, reminding her children that they are loved, no matter what they become. 

Overall, this book is a sweet rhyming book with memorable images and a tender message. This would make a great gift for a child for a birthday, a kindergarten continuation, or just any day that they need a reminder of how loved they are.  Click here to order your copy today!

I had a chance to chat with JK Nielson about her book, “Never Grow Up”. Here is what she had to say:

Author Q&A | JK Nielson

Author Q& A | JK Nielson
Author Q&A with Children’s Indie Author JK Nielson

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a card designer. You know like the Hallmark cards… I would, and still love, to stand in the card aisle at Target and browse through all the cards. Maybe one day! 

What was your favorite game of pretend as a child?

I have a beautiful doll house that every year on Christmas, Santa would add more pieces to my collection. I have the dress shop, pet store, camping gear, the party decorations, two houses, 2 different families, including grandparents, the boating gear, you name it. Still to this day I love to get down on the floor with my kids and imagine, pretend, and play dollhouse!

I also loved to create things, I created slippers one year for my mom out of paper (I think she still has them). I created books too, I would staple pages together and write stories and draw pictures.

One year I got the whole neighborhood together (went door to door) for a parade I had convinced the other neighborhood kids to participate in.  The neighbors gathered on their lawns as we marched down the sidewalk pretending to be entertainers! 

JK Nielson
JK Nielson, Author of “Never Grow Up”

What inspired you to write this book?

After having my second child, and having those “never grow up,” feelings towards my babies all over again, I knew I needed to write it. I wrote the book for my babies. 

What advice would you give to a younger you if you could talk to them now?

Whatever your heart is passionate about-DO THAT!!! Trust your gut, your “unique-ness” is what makes you beautiful!!!

Do you have plans for more books?

Writing is a stress relief for me, I have books filled with pages of poems and thoughts. I would love to write another book someday. 

Where can readers find out more?

You can buy your copy of JK Nielson’s book on Amazon and follow her on Instagram.

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