Mindful Mantras by Laurie Wright
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Teaching Kids “Mindful Mantras” with Laurie Wright

In a time when negative self image messages bombard our children via social media, children’s author Laurie Wright’ “Mindful Mantras” series has positive self talk down to a T, and she is pretty great at marketing it too!

Teach kids positive self talk and problem solving with “Mindful Mantras”

Children's Book Series Review | Mindful Mantras
Children’s Book Series Review | Mindful Mantras by Laurie Wright
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Laurie Wright’s “Mindful Mantras” series is one of the most unique set of books out there for kids who struggle with big feelings, negative self image, and everyday changes. Each book walks kids through basic scenarios that they may struggle with in their day to day encounters, then offers them both solutions (some rather silly) as well as a positive message (“I Can Do It!”, “I Can Handle It!”, “I Belong!”, etc). Children can relate to the emotions they feel during stressful situations, then work through solutions while talking positively about themself. 

Heres what we love about the “Mindful Mantras” series:

The idea in and of itself is genius.

As adults, many of us practice mantras and positive affirmations to get through our day and keep ourselves positive. We work to problem solve with our emotions every day, but children are just learning this skill. They don’t yet know how to send themselves these positive messages. The Mindful Mantras series helps introduce problem solving and positive affirmations in a fun and lighthearted way. 

Teach Kids Positive Self talk With Mindful Mantras
Teach Kids Positive Self Talk with These Books!

Positive problem solving for the win.

The Mindful Mantras books encourage children to problem solve positively rather than get down on themselves for their big feelings. The general feeling of each book is bright and cheery, with friendly cartoon illustrations and some humorous solutions thrown in (ie. building a wall of teddy bears if you are afraid of the dark). The books are simple enough for early readers to read alone, but can also be shared as a read aloud to open up discussions with kids about their feelings. 

What we love about Laurie:

Laurie Wright
Children’s Author Laurie Wright

She’s a book marketing powerhouse.

Aside from writing and marketing her own books, Laurie Wright has a podcast and multiple courses available to help independent children’s authors like herself be successful at marketing their books and making writing a career. You can check out her offerings for other authors and her podcast here. 

We had a chance to catch up with Laurie and talk more about her career as a writer.

Featured Author | Laurie Wright
Featured Author | Laurie Wright

Here is what she had to say:

How did the idea for the “Mindful Mantras” series first come about?

I taught kindergarten for ten years, and I consider 4 & 5 year olds my people! I wrote the first book I Can Handle It in ‘kid language’ so they’d really get it. And kids don’t jump to the best way to solve a problem off the bat. (really, adults don’t always either!) Kids love thinking about outrageous things they could do… which naturally leads to the potential outcomes too. It’s a wonderful way for them to decide how they can handle their problems.

You do a lot to help other independent authors get started and be successful. What is one thing that you wish someone had told you when you very first started out?

There’s SO much to learn, know and do and I was guilty of trying to do ALL of that at once. So I wish someone had pointed me in ONE direction, and ordered me to stay on that path for 3-6 months, before trying something new.

What has been the most rewarding moment for you in your career as a children’s author?

I never get tired of hearing from parents how much reading these books change their child’s outlook on life, and their self-talk. That people take the time out of their day to write, message or tag me on social media is the most rewarding thing. 

Covid 19 has had a great effect on children and their emotional well being. Has this impacted your business as someone who’s books cater directly to the mental wellbeing of children?

What I really noticed was a huge uptick in teacher’s reaching out, actually. Looking for the resources I offer in addition to the books, class visits, etc. 

What is one book or author you remember from childhood that influenced you as a children’s author?

I don’t think any actually did influence my writing. That was 100% influenced by the kids in my classes, and it wasn’t the usual style of book I would read to them as a teacher. But I strongly felt it was what they needed.

What is next from you? Do you have anything new in the works?

I have loads of ideas but am short on time! I mostly spend my days helping other authors. So many creatives finally went for it and published a book with their extra time in 2020. Now they’re realizing selling books is a whole other ballgame.  I get great satisfaction from helping them learn to sell their books, and grow their impact. It takes most of my creative energy at the moment. 

To find out more about Laurie and her Books, follow her on Facebook and Instagram or visit her website.

Get a Free Printable Mindful Mantras Worksheet!

Free Self Reflection Worksheet For Kids

We partnered with Laurie to make this awesome Self Reflection Worksheet that can be used with her books to encourage kids to talk about their feelings positively. It’s FREE to download and print!

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