Featured Author Laura Shiff
Authors,  Books

“What I’m Feeling is Okay!”

I think we all can agree that 2020 was a big year for big feelings. From the impact of the Corona Virus and the school shutdowns to political uncertainties, adults had their hands full. But what about the kids? Do your kids know they can say “What I’m Feeling is Okay!” ?

This last year has left children to confront all their big feelings at once.

From feeling alone and isolated, to angry things have been taken away, kids have run the gamut this year for emotions and triggers, leaving most parents wondering how to help them feel that their emotions are normal. 

Enter this weeks book of the week : “What I’m Feeling is Okay!” By Laura Shiff

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Laura’s bright and colorful exhibit of emotions takes an approach of reassuring children that their feelings are normal and perfectly “okay” to feel. In each situation the book’s rhyming text offers up, children are reassured that all feelings are acceptable and that each has its place in our lives.

What We Liked about the Book

Each feeling in the book is given its own page and time is taken to acknowledge the triggers and situations that brought these emotions to the surface. The Illustrations by Bev Johnson accurately depict the emotions with clarity, creating relatable characters and situations. The rhyme in this book contributes to the flow, rather than detracting from it, and the simplicity of the text makes it a great conversation starter for kids. “What I’m feeling is Okay” is a great staple book for any household or classroom to start kids talking about what they feel and why. 

You can Purchase A Copy of “What I’m Feeling is Okay!” On Amazon



Meet the Author

Laura Shiff is mother with a background in elementary education, who has tons of experience working with little ones and their big feelings. We had a chance to talk to Laura and find out more about her, the writing journey she is taking, and her thoughts on the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on kids. 

Read on to hear what Laura had to say, and be sure to check out the link for FREE Printable worksheets at the end of this post!

Featured Author | Laura Shiff
Featured Author Interview | Laura Shiff
The topic of emotional regulation is an important one for children in their developmental years. What first drove you to want to make a book about emotions for children?

I have always wanted to be an author, but originally never intended to write children’s books (even though I have worked with children my entire life!). Then, when schools and play places started shutting down a year ago, my four-year-old son started having some BIG emotions about everything changing, and honestly I did, too. I wrote these words out as a way to let him know that what he was feeling was okay, and we could be sad, and frustrated, and mad about what was happening. 

The more we started reading it together and saying the words, the more I liked the idea of hiring an illustrator to create some pictures to go along with our booklet, maybe eventually printing off a copy so we could use it together. Fate stepped in and the idea kept snowballing, and now here it is! A published book for all kiddos to use. 

What has been the most challenging part of your writing journey?

As with everything, the COVID pandemic has thrown my entire publishing journey for a loop, from collaborating and printing, to my book launch and marketing. 

Being a former elementary teacher, I LOVE getting to read and interact with children, but given the pandemic, I haven’t had a chance to do any book signings, readings, or even school visits. I even had to do a drive-by book launch from the end of my driveway!! As the weather gets nicer and I’m able to be outside, I can’t wait to get to work with kids again and hear their reactions to my book firsthand. 

The illustrations in your book show a variety of emotions in a very engaging way. Tell me about your process for choosing your illustrator.

I am a highly visual person, so I knew exactly what I wanted my illustrations to look like. This is why I decided to go the hybrid-publishing route so I could choose my illustrator and have complete control. 

Given that this was my first book, I had no idea where to start! So I simply looked up the hashtag “illustrator” on Instagram and went down the rabbit hole. Luckily, I stumbled upon the perfect vision of my book, and reached out to the amazingly talented Bev Johnson to see if she was available and would work with me. Miraculously, she said YES and she made my dreams come true. 

What I'm Feeling Is Okay | Kids Book About Big Feelings
What I’m Feeling Is Okay | Kids Book About Big Feelings
Do you have a favorite children’s book that you grew up with? In what ways has it inspired you?

I have been a bookworm since I was little, so I can’t pick just one favorite, but I will say that I was always drawn to the books that were about little kids, versus say animals or imaginary beings. I loved imagining myself as the child in the story and was always intrigued to see their bedrooms, and their toys, and their families. It helped me to visualize what they were going through and connect it to my own life. 

This is why I knew that my book needed to have realistic pictures of a boy, so my son, and other children, could see parts of themselves in him, and more easily make the connections to what he was going through to what they are going through. 

What is next for you? Can we expect to see more books in the future?

I am already in the process of a few exciting things! I am marketing my book a ton right now, and working really hard to get the word out about it, but I am also almost finished with another children’s book with multiple other ideas coming up for future social emotional books for kiddos, as well. 

I have always been a huge history nerd, so I am also in the stages of researching and writing a historical fiction book for adults. I love keeping my brain busy, and that feeling is okay! 🙂  

Well, we certainly hope to see more from Laura Shiff and we hope you get a chance to snag a copy of “What I’m Feeling is Okay!” To help your kiddos through their big feelings every day. 

If you want to find out more about Laura Shiff or get in touch with her, or if you just want to stay updated on her progress as an author, you can follow her on Instagram @Laurashiffauthor or on Facebook. You can also visit her website, www.laurashiff.com to email her, catch up on her recent projects, and purchase autographed copies of her book.

Laura was also generous enough to offer up these Free PDF Printable worksheets to accompany her book. To access them JUST CLICK HERE. 

Free Printables
Free Printables | Social Emotional Worksheets based on “What I’m Feeling is Okay!” by Laura Shiff
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