Let's Make Cookies
Activities,  Authors

Let’s Make Cookies with Ashley Mills Monaghan!

Nothing says the holidays like a fresh batch of homemade cookies. But be careful, because we all know what happens if you decide to give those cookies to a mouse!

Our good friend,  author and musician Ashley Mills Monaghan, has a special holiday cookie treat for us!

She has 12, in fact! Ashley is celebrating the holidays with 12 Days of Cookies in honor of her new single “Let’s Make Cookies” and today she’s celebrating a favorite book of ours too!

“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” By Lara Hoff Numeroff is one of our Top Ten Classic Children’s Picture Books. This classic children’s story about what happens when you treat a mouse to a little chocolate chip treat is the main event on Ashley Mills Monaghan’s website today!

Ashley Mills Monaghan
While we’ve featured Ashley’s children’s books on our blog before, she is most known for her fun upbeat songs for children.

Ashley’s “Twelve Days of Cookies” is a great way to celebrate her newest single titled “Let’s Bake Cookies!”

The friendly and silly song is all about spending time together to make a batch of cookies. But do we actually know what goes in the cookies? Is there onion soup in there? Spaghetti? The catchy and memorable song walks us through the ingredients with some laughs along the way. 

Each day until Christmas, Ashley is giving people something fun and cookie related to celebrate the release of her single. 

If you are a fan of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”, or just cookies in general, then today’s cookie surprise is perfect for you!

Today you can get free printable template for a craft inspired by “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”. The craft is made to go along with the book, and would be great to do while your cookies are baking! 

Mouse Cookie Craft
This great “If You Give A Mouse a Cookie” printable is free on Ashley’s website today!

So how exactly do you go about getting your hands on the template?

Visit Ashley’s webpage, www.ashleymillsmonaghan.com to download your free template, as well as some other really great downloads from the previous 12 Days of Cookies. You can also download and stream the new single directly from her site!

Check back there tomorrow too, because the fun isn’t over! There is still a day of cookies left!

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