Featured Author | Andi Cann
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Featured Author Andi Cann

Who is Andi Cann?

Indie author Andi Cann is one of the more prolific in her field with over 25 different picture book titles for children covering a variety of subjects, from early education to social emotional topics and self care.

Her kid friendly stories are accompanied by eye-catching and intriguing images, whether she creates illustrations herself or collaborates with illustrators and photographers. 

While the range of images and subjects in this children’s author’s books vary, Cann’s books all have two key elements : kindness and heart.

Andi Cann’s most recent book, “The Magic of Friendship Snow”, is a superb example of this kindness on every page. The illustrations have a nostalgic childlike quality and the story speaks to the lonely child in all of us. True to its title, there is magic on every page.

The Magic of Friendship Snow | Andi Cann
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A Magical Winter picture book For Kids

The story in “The Magic of Friendship Snow” follows a lonely child named JoJo who wants to make a friend. Just when finding a friend seems impossible, JoJo meets a snowman made from magical “Friendship Snow”. The snowman agrees to be her friend. Through that friendship, JoJo learns to be a good friend to others.

With a final message about the selflessness of friendship, Andi Cann’s “The Magic of Friendship Snow” is a great tale for any child, but particularly one in need of a friend. This book could easily be a great gift for a child moving away or to a new neighborhood. It could also be a comfort to children who struggle with making friends at school. 

What We Like About This Book

There is kindness and heart in this book, and heart warming illustrations to accompany the sweet and simple story. While I probably would have liked to see the images in this book stretch across full spreads, I found the book very easy to read with the text kept separate from the images.  The story is simple enough while still having quite a bit of heart and charm.  

Holiday picture books
Holiday Books by Andi Cann

“The Magic of Friendship Snow” is perfect for the Holiday Season!

But it isn’t the only of Andi Cann’s books that you can stuff in a stocking. Her books “Mr. Hoopeyloops saves Christmas” and “Counting Christmas” are also great holiday gifts. You can find these and more of Andi Cann’s books on her website at www.andicann.com.

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In Our Featured Author Q & A, Andi opened up about her favorite memories, being a lonely child, and what it’s like to be an author.

Here is what she had to say:

Picture Book Review
Andi Cann’s “The Magic of Friendship Snow is a beautiful story about the power of friendship for children.

What inspired you to write “The Magic of Friendship Snow?” 

 I was very lonely as a child.  I couldn’t understand why it seemed everyone had friends but me.  I thought I must be doing something wrong.  I pretended I was friends with birds and other animals.  The story grew out of those experiences, as well as a favorite childhood book called “The Friendship Stones.

What is your favorite winter memory? 

One of my favorite memories is going to my cousins’ house in the country and making gingerbread cookies.  They lived on a farm and had huge snow drifts.  I loved their warm home.  I also loved making crafts with my family.  One year we made beautiful ornaments for the tree.  My parents inspired a love of art and creativity that has lit up my entire life.

If there was one children’s book that you wish had existed when you were younger, what would it be? 

“The Gift of Driscoll Lipscomb”.  It’s not very well known but it is an absolutely lyrical book.

What has been the most rewarding moment on your writing journey? 

When teachers contact me about their use of my book for their children, my heart sings!  I write books for children to make a difference in their world.  

What’s next for you? 

 I have several books in the works.  About 4-5 new titles are coming out next year.  I am also working on a new secret project that takes my writing in a slightly different direction.  Stay tuned!

If you want to find out more about Andi Cann and her books, you can visit www.andicann.com for a full list of her work. You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram for updates, giveaways, and more.

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