Preschool Role Models

Role Models For Preschoolers|From Page to Screen

In a day and age where streaming television allows our kids to access a variety of content, finding good role models for our kids has become more important than ever. And where do your find the best role models for your kids? Well, in books of course. 

Todays examples have the benefit of being originally from books, having evolved into television shows and movies. Each of these examples has a tv show for your kids, plus books to get them reading too!

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5 Literary Role Models for Preschoolers

#1. Curious George

This clever little monkey has come a long way from his original picture book tale (where, yes, he did break out of jail, but let’s focus on the more reformed George shall we). He now has several books, a television show, a movie, and he’s a rather adorable plushy. Curious George has become an icon for preschoolers world wide, and there is a reason for that.

George is just like a toddler. He’s curious (duh), and that curiosity, despite the best of intentions, gets him into trouble. He wants to learn. Since his original debut in 1941, George’s image and story has evolved. What was once just a troublesome little monkey is now a role model for preschoolers, teaching math, pattern recognition, and manners in an accessible way. His numerous books tackle a variety of educational subjects, from social emotional to math and science. He is used in classrooms, daycares, and homes around the world. Curious George managed to outlive a number of changes to social norms, and I’m certain he’ll be around for quite a while longer.

#2. The Cat in The Hat

Okay, so initially I would say that The Cat in the Hat is a good example of a bad example. If we are basing our judgement purely on the original two books “The Cat in the Hat” and “The Cat in The Hat Comes Back”, then yes, he is. He’s awful. He doesn’t follow the rules. He basically breaks and enters, then has a party in someone else’s house. Those two books specifically have always come off as a bit morally ambiguous to me.

But… The Cat does teach responsibility and accountability in the first two books (though I don’t fully approve of the way it’s taught), and beyond that he’s become a teacher. From his humble beginnings as an  unwanted guest, he’s evolved. He was once a good example of a bad example, but now he fills a different role. You can read more about that here.

Is The Cat In The Hat A Good Role Model For Your Kids?
Relate Blog Post| Is The Cat In The Hat A Good Role Model For Your Kids?

#3. Llama, Llama

Llama Llama loves his mama, and he’s got those red pajamas, and he loves his gran and grandpa, and… the list goes on. These books have gotten HUGE, and Netflix has even gotten in on the action.

There is a Llama Book for pretty much any preschooler situation. He goes to school, and gets sick and even has a melt down in the grocery store. Beyond the catchy rhyme of the book, each has a lesson. The little Llama learns along with your kids and he mirrors them. He’s not perfect, and they can see that making mistakes or getting upset is a part of learning. That’s what makes him a role model, one your preschooler can look up to.

#4. Pete The Cat

I was skeptical about Pete. I really didn’t “get” it at first. But then I figured out what was so “cool” about this cat. He is CHILL. He doesn’t let stuff get to him. He is a groovy cat. He just lets things go. He loses all his buttons, no problem! His shoes get dirty and wet, No big deal! Pete the Cat lets everything slide off. Kids need more of that. They need more role models that say “it’s no big deal”. We live in a time filled with more anxiety and uncertainty than I ever had to deal with as a kid. Having an example to follow, someone who just rolls with the punches, can make it all seem less scary.

“Does Pete cry? GOODNESS NO!” He always has a positive outlook and a song to sing. Pete the Cat also has the benefit of reaching kids across multiple avenues. He has a show, music they can listen too, and a variety of different books. Something tells me this cool cat is going to be here a while. Check out these groovy Pete the Cat Button Bracelets that you can make.

#5. Caillou

Okay, so there is a lot for parents to dislike about Caillou, and the show grates on my nerves, but I do have an appreciation for the character as a role model. Why? 

Caillou grows along with your kid. He starts as a baby and his books go through various milestones, as does the show. He’s also a REALISTIC toddler. Many complaints about Caillou point towards his winey and temperamental behavior, HOWEVER Caillou is actually a very realistic example of the tantrums and behaviors that occur at his age. He learns better ways to handle with feelings along with your kid, which in my book makes him a great role model. He shows them that they are not alone, and they learn along with him. It also helps that there is a Caillou book for basically anything. These books come in handy when new situations arise and they make great first readers for kids.

What do you think?

Are there any book/tv role models that your child looks up to?

What are the positive and negative aspects of those roles models?

Which books do you love to read over and over for their lessons?

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