Featured Author | Phillipa Warden
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“Rupert’s Snowman” Review and Author Q&A

Winter is upon us! All that beautiful snow means sledding and snowmen! This week’s featured book, “Rupert’s Snowman” by Phillipa Warden, has both of these wonderful winter traditions, along with an adorable story and some beautiful illustrations by Grace Ward.

Ruperts Snowman by Phillipa Warden
Rupert’s Snowman | Phillipa Warden
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This is a winter picture book to warm your heart.

Ruperts Snowman is the story of a boy named Rupert who builds himself a snowman while out sledding his with mom. When the time comes to go home, though, Rupert doesn’t want to leave his new friend behind. His final solution is sweet and memorable.

Rupert’s Snowman is perfect for young readers.

The simplicity of the story makes “Rupert’s Snowman” an easy read for emerging readers. The illustrations by Grace Ward have a home-spun feel that will remind readers of the love and warmth of childhood winters spent playing in the snow. The illustrations and Phillipa Warden’s text work together to create a beautiful seasonal tale that will leave you wanting to build a snowman.

Winter Picture Book
Badger Says : “This is a Winter Picture Book to Warm Your Heart.”

I had a chance to ask author Phillipa Warden a few questions about her book.

Here is what she had to say…

Featured Author Phillipa Warden
Review of “Rupert’s Snowman Featuring Special Q &A with Author Phillipa Warden

Featured Author Q&A | Phillipa Warden

Was Ruperts Snowman inspired by a true story?

Rupert’s Snowman was indeed inspired by a true story. In fact it is simply the retelling of the events of a beautiful snow day when my son was just four. Rupert refused to leave Frosty behind when we came inside after playing. We took great care to dismantle him, brought him home on the sledge and rebuilt an entire snow family for Frosty! 

What’s your favorite memory of winter as a child?

My favourite memories of Winter are of waking up to the absolute stillness and quiet that signals that snow has fallen heavily overnight. I’d rush to my sister’s bedroom and throw open her curtains and stare out at the trees and lawn blanketed in white. A snow day spent sledging in Lyme Park with my family is my fondest memory. 

Do you have plans to write more books?

I have written a second book, this time for my daughter again based on true events with a little embellishment. It is with the illustrator at the moment. It incorporates all the seasons and a little family of Greenfinch and is a delightful birthday tale. 

What has been the most challenging thing for you as an author so far?

The most challenging aspect of being an author is dealing with imposter syndrome. I’m a trained artist and sweater designer so I feel as though I’m pretending to be an author even when I see the book in many stores and great reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. I feel as though I’ve borrowed the title for a little while! 

What is the most rewarding thing?

The most rewarding thing has been all of the activity that has been generated by the book from my online community. People have gone to extraordinary lengths to create beautiful activities for children/ written hundreds of reviews/ filmed themselves reading the book/ made models/ hand puppets/ story spoons… the list is endless. The writing community is so supportive. I’ve also loved working with my publisher Purple Butterfly Press.

One thing in particular really moved me. The mum of Harry, a dyslexic boy contacted me to tell me that Rupert’s Snowman is the first book he’s read from cover to cover. The illustrator Grace Ward is dyslexic and specifically chose a dyslexic friendly font.  It’s also been very rewarding typing Rupert’s Snowman into Safari and seeing all the stockists appear! 

Where can you find out more?

For more about “Ruperts Snowman” and other upcoming work by Phillipa Warden, you can visit www.phillipawardenbooks.com. There you can find links to buy the book, fun activities go along with the book, and more! You can also follow Phillipa on Instagram @ruperts_snowman.

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