Review | Two by Kathryn Otoshi

Review| “Two” By Kathryn Otoshi

I’m excited to have Kathryn Otoshi as the Featured Author this month. Her book “One” is a favorite of mine, and today I happy to review “Two” as well.

“Two” By Kathryn Otoshi is a story about Friendship.

But unlike most children’s books about friendship, this one explores the times when friends don’t get along or disagree. It teaches the concept of being a friend while still being an individual with other friends.

Two by Kathryn Otoshi
Two By Kathryn Otoshi Review

When Three comes into the picture, things aren’t looking so good for Two. Three tells Two that only odds can play and pushes Two aside. The friendship between One and Two struggles.

Ultimately, the conflict is resolved and the numbers learn that friendships can survive through conflict. One and Two discover how to share their friendship with others. Ultimately everyone is included and “dances to their own beat”.

I enjoyed “Two”, but “One” is still my favorite.

I enjoy the return of the numbers and colors, the fun play on words throughout the book, and the “evens” and “odds” concept . While “One” is still my favorite, I definitely enjoyed “Two” and I am happy to have it in my collection.

Otoshi’s books are truly multifaceted.

I love that they teach social lessons as well as math. It’s easy to introduce numbers when they are a character in a story. The visuals and the connection with the numbers as names really help children learn and identify numbers. My son learned the difference between even and odd numbers from this book, as well as how to count by twos.

I highly recommend “Two”.

This book would be great in a classroom. It teaches a great lesson about friendship and conflict resolution, while also showcasing numbers and colors in a way that is intriguing to preschool and kindergarten age kids.

To find out more about this book and other works by Kathryn Otoshi, go to

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