How Do Dinosaurs Say I love you

How Do Dinosaurs “Say I Love You”? | A True Love Letter to Your Little Dino

Oh, Dinosaurs. 

Life with a little boy would not be the same without dinosaurs. Not to say that girls can’t be into dinosaurs too, but there is just something about dinosaurs that attracts little boys like magnets. I mean, Why not? Dinosaurs are cool. They’re HUGE, they’re loud, they’re basically the worlds biggest pet that (thankfully) your child will never be able to own. 

There is a lot kids can learn from dinosaurs, and not just on the science end. Turns out, they can be very good role models too. 

How you ask?

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Well, the “How Do Dinosaurs…” series has the answer. 

Are dinosaurs picky eaters?

Do they throw tantrums?

Do they refuse to go to bed?

No… never. Dinosaurs are very well behaved. 

There are 15 books in the series by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague.

Each one has positive and negative modeled behaviors. They open up discussions with kids about how to behave or not behave and the illustrations will have your child laughing out loud as the dinosaurs behave badly. 

And while I could post a big long list of all of 15 books here, I really just want to focus on one today that it really close to my heart. 

How do Dinosaurs Say I Love You, is a little bit different in formula from some of the other books in this series, and it gets me in the heart EVERY TIME.

The lesson in How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You is one of unconditional love. 

The dinosaurs are just plain awful at times, throwing tantrums and kicking the back of the seat in the car. They even throw things and yell. But then… They also do kind things that show they love their parents too. And in the very end, the message for your child is that you love them no matter what. Even when they are a big scary dinosaur. 

I didn’t know this book would get me the way it did. To be honest, I bought it sight unseen for my son for Valentines Day, knowing we would probably like it because we’ve liked the others, but boy did I pick the right day to give my son this book. 

The day I gave my son this book, he was a TERROR. 

Now, I love my kid. I love him even when he is a big scary dinosaur and he definitely was that day. It was a throw-the-food, hit mommy, slam the door, tantrum in the super market day. By the end of that day, my son had done ALL of the things the naughty dinosaurs in this book did and NONE of the nice dinosaur things. We were completely at odds with each other until bed. But for whatever reason, he wanted me to read and not daddy. 

When I read this book to him, it repaired our day.

My then-three-year-old was hugging me at the end of this book, telling me he loved me and all I could do was cry. This book was so perfect and accurate at the moment, so real and exactly what we needed, that -I kid you not- I cried real tears right there in front of my kid. I had expected a cute little dinosaur story about Valentines Day, and I got the best Valentine ever to share with my kid on THAT particular Valentines Day. 

So now, whenever there is a terrible day, and we really haven’t gotten along (which is rarer now that he’s outgrown tantrum phase) I read this book with him. Because every once in a while, we need a reminder that love is unconditional. 

Have you read any of the “How Do Dinos Books? Which one is your favorite?

Do you have a book that helps you reconnect with your kids on a bad day?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 

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