• 10 Picture Books About Bullying

    10 Picture Books About Bullying

    When I was nine, I had a boy in my class who made me the punchline of all his jokes. He took my belongings and hid them, told people that I picked my nose and ate it, and made faces behind my back. As an adult, I see how juvenile it was, and I pity him and other who think like him. As a child though, every day of my life was miserable. Most days, I didn’t even want to go to school. I recall vividly one particular day that I came home and asked my mother what was wrong with me because that boy made me genuinely feel that…

  • Review| For No Reason By Kathleen Gauer

    Review| For No Reason by Kathleen Gauer

    Though returning to school looks different this year, many of the same social implications of school still apply. Bullying for instance, can still exist in a virtual environment, especially with the growing influence of social media on our children’s lives. No matter the type of bullying, one thing is for certain. We need anti-bullying books in classrooms, and in our homes. I recently had the opportunity to read “For No Reason” by Kathleen Gauer. The story centers on a girl named Jamie who is being bullied by a boy in her class. While the school doesn’t encourage the bullying, it still happens, and even Jamie gets some of the blame…

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