Featured Author | Jodie Webber
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Meditation For Kids with Mystic Bunny Boy

Teaching meditation to your kids can be a powerful tool to help regulate sleep, stop tantrums in their tracks, and aid in big transitions. This week on the Book Badger Blog, we talk with children’s author Jodie Webber about her book “Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow” about the power of meditation for kids and how it has helped her own child sleep and cope with big changes. 

“Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow”

“Mystic Bunny Boy Walks the Rainbow” is a story of child who cannot get to sleep and the magical “Mystic Bunny Boy” who helps her “Walk The Rainbow” and meditate on good thoughts and feelings. Each color of the rainbow that the child walks through with the magical bunny helps her to reflect on different feelings and emotions, eventually leaving her calm enough to go to sleep. 

Book of the Week | Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow
“Mystic Bunny Boy Walks the Rainbow” by Jodie Webber is a book to introduce your child to meditation

A Simple Meditation For Kids

Jodie Webbers text tells the child that mediation is “when you focus on thinking and feeling nice things”. This simple, kid friendly definition of meditation makes it easy for even the youngest child to grasp the concept.  The meditation for kids that is used in the book is simple and can be learned easily. Each color represents a different positive thought or feeling and provides the child with a warm and safe feeling that helps them get to sleep. 

A Colorful and Positive Journey 

“Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow” uses bright, colorful illustrations and a friendly, lovable character to guide children to a more peaceful state before bed. The use of the rainbow as a meditation tool not only reinforces colors and early concepts, but helps children associate colors with certain energy and feelings, providing an easy foundation for future mediation. 

We Had A Chance to Catch up with Jodie Webber, the creator of “Mystic Bunny Boy” and chat with her about the book, meditation for kids,  and how the idea came about. 

Here is what she had to say:

“They say there is a book inside everyone, waiting to be written.  But I’d never had any ambitions to write a book, it just kind of happened to me!

It was late in 2019 (when my daughter, Bobbie was 2 years old), that she grabbed my face in her hands and said ‘Mystic Bunny Boy’ – Just that, really loudly! I had no idea what she was talking about. Neither did her nursery. It was something she would do repeatedly – my mum intuition knew it was something I needed to listen to!

At bedtime, I used to tell Bobbie a rainbow meditation story that I had created, and it always helped her stay calm and have a restful sleep.  I realized that ‘Mystic Bunny Boy’ was her trying to create a character for our story together, which was amazing! 

And that’s how it all began!”

While Jodie did not personally grow up being taught about mediation at a young age, she believes strongly in the power of mediation for kids.

“Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. It can help to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self discipline, and healthy sleep patterns.  It is known to reduce stress, control anxiety, increase attention span and generally just make you more aware of your emotional health.  The younger we can learn to meditate, the more likely we will be able to deal with life’s stresses and challenges as we grown and develop.”

According to Jodie, there is no right or wrong time to start meditating with your kids.

“I would say it’s more about when you and your child are ready!  It’s a fantastic and simple practice for parents and carers to do with their children, it doesn’t cost anything but the benefits to mental health are HUGE! Just 5 minutes a day can really make a difference.  If you think about it, as a parent what are you doing by reading your children bedtime stories…?  Encouraging them to relax, listen to your voice, and use their imagination to take them into the story with you – it’s a form of meditation (they just don’t know it with that label!)”

So what is next for Mystic Bunny Boy? 

Mystic Bunny Boy’s next adventure in meditation for kids is due to release very soon! 

To stay updated on this release and find out more about Jodie Webber and Mystic Bunny Boy, visit www.mysticbunnyboy.com.

You can also follow Mystic Bunny Boy on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Copies of the book are available from Amazon.*

Want some fun to go along with the book? 

In our Badger’s Only Section, you will find a FREE WORD SEARCH based on the book “Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow”. All you have to due is Subscribe to get access to this and other awesome free printables to enhance your child’s reading experience!

Free Printable Word Search for Kids
A free word search of mindful words for kids based on the book “Mystic Bunny Boy Walks the Rainbow”

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